
This service can be contacted every time that you need to change a parameter of a configuration for a device. Assuming that a complete configuration is loaded in one shoot using the "ConfigurationConfig" function, you may request to change just one parameter of your configuration. for this reason you can pass to this function the parameter to change and it returns true if the configuration has been changed as requeted, otherwise false.

This is a multidevice function (it can be used to manage configuration of different devices like meteo, pollution,BioMedical, PowerPlugs and so on) so it must be enabled for the specific device used and requires an authentication process using the approver method as described for any other functions

NOTE: miniservice is an infrastructure able to store and manipulate data but those data are not generated by infrastructure. This means that is not responsible for the content of its database and for the quality of data sent by external IoT device.

Input Parameter


It must be a valid token retrieved using the approver function


This is the device name (Letteral 3 or 4 chars). In order to obtain this value you must have a valid device configured in the IoT Miniservice platform. To request a valid device you can use the IoT Manager web app or request it via Email


It is the name of the variable. For "used defined configs" the name is a text string defined at setup time. For pre-defined objects (like the PowerPlug) those values are fixed const (example: "Power1" who represents the on/off value of the 1st available plug of the Powerplug device)


This value can be 0 in case the variable value (VALUE) represents an int value or 1 for strings


The value for this variable


This is a description. It contains a text string (use the %20 to represent spaces) that could be used to define the meaning of this value. For example in case of a PowerPlug it could be usefull to know that the variable named "Power1" value is assigned to the bedroom light or to the bathroom one.

Output Parameter


It is the name of the service category


It is true or false depending on the result


In case of error, this field contains the error message generated
Test String