Alexa Skill: Aree di sosta per camper

This page describes how to use the Alexa skill made for Please note that this skill can be enabled only in Italy and work only in Italian language.

If you need additional specific information about this topic or if you want to look it personally please write an email

If you are Italian and love your RV (or more in general have a great passion for plenair activities), then you will surely appreciate the new skill I built to connect the Buonevacanze DB with the Alexa world.
The DB I created for the website is a database composed by more than 9000 parking areas, articles and locations. I visited most of them and added personal comments for each of the areas I visited.
The advantage is that this DB contains a descriptive illustration of each single area For this reason, I found Alexa very useful to help people plan their trips searching locations or parking areas for their RVs.

To install the skill you must open the Alexa configuration app (or your alexa website) in your mobile and select the menu item named "Skill e Giochi"

Alexa app main menù

once selected you need just to search for the skill. In order to facilitate the search, you can write "aree di sosta per camper". This will also be the "invocation name" to use to open the skill.

Alexa app skill search page

Usually it appears as first. Now you can activate and use the skill. In order to be able to use the email feature (described later in this document), you need to allow the skill to use your amazon email. Once activated you will have a menu named:"impostazioni" where you will be able to give the skill the ok to use your amazon email.

Alexa app give email access approval.

From now on you will be able to use the Alexa skill directly using your voice.

The skill has 3 main features:

1) Propose a trip: Pronouncing sentences like: "Alexa proponimi un viaggio", you will ask alexa to randomly propose you a location collected from the DB. Buonevacanze owns a collection always updated of locations that you can use as suggestion for your next trip.
2) Search for a caper area: This feature can be activated pronouncing sentences like: "Cerca un area di sosta a..." followed by the name of a city or location. Alexa will search for all the camper service available in the location you mentioned and will start describing each of them. Please note that the description contains also address and ome instructions to reach the indicated area.
3) Send an email with the camper services list: Only after a search has been completed, you will be able to use this feature (otherwise, you will receive an error message). Say something like: "Inviami l'itinerario via mail" and Alexa will send directly to your email the list of locations found during your previous research. Please note that this list is deleted after the email is sent so you will not be able to send it again.
Always remember that in order to be able to use the email feature you need to have enabled the skill to access your Amazon Email address.
NOTE: web site is currently in Italian and contains information only for European sites.

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